Nesting Classes & Functions

Python allows nesting of classes and functions within other classes and functions. This technique is useful when we need to create complex programs where we want to keep related code together and avoid polluting the global namespace.

Nesting Functions

Nesting functions is a technique used to encapsulate functionality that doesn't need to be used outside the enclosing function. This means that the nested function can access local variables of the enclosing function, which makes it useful for creating closures. Closures are functions that remember the values in their local scope even when they are executed outside that scope.

Here is an example of a function that returns a closure:

def outer_function(x):
    def inner_function(y):
        return x + y
    return inner_function

closure = outer_function(3)
result = closure(4)
print(result) # Output: 7

In this example, inner_function is defined inside outer_function, which means it has access to the x parameter of outer_function. When outer_function is called with an argument of 3, it returns inner_function. The returned function is then assigned to the variable closure. When closure is called with an argument of 4, it adds 4 to 3 (which was the value of x when outer_function was called) and returns the result 7.

Nesting Classes

Classes can also be nested inside other classes to group related functionality. This technique is useful when creating complex object hierarchies. Nested classes allow for the creation of a class within another class, where the nested class can access the attributes and methods of the outer class. This is useful when the nested class is only relevant to the outer class and is not used elsewhere.

Here is an example of a class that contains a nested class:

class OuterClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.inner_object = self.InnerClass()

    class InnerClass:
        def __init__(self):
            self.value = 42

outer_object = OuterClass()
print(outer_object.inner_object.value) # Output: 42

In this example, OuterClass contains a nested class called InnerClass. When an instance of OuterClass is created, it initializes an instance of InnerClass and assigns it to the inner_object attribute. When the value of inner_object.value is printed, it outputs 42, which was set in the __init__ method of InnerClass.

Benefits of Nesting

Nesting classes and functions can be a powerful technique to organize complex code. It allows us to encapsulate functionality and create object hierarchies that are easier to understand and maintain. By nesting functionality, we can keep related code together and avoid polluting the global namespace. Additionally, nesting classes provide a way to group related functionality, making it easier to manage and maintain complex object hierarchies.


In conclusion, nesting classes and functions are important tools for creating complex programs. By encapsulating functionality and grouping related code, we can make our programs more organized and easier to understand and maintain. Python's support for nesting makes it a powerful language for building complex programs.