Python Async. Examples

Asynchronous Programming in Python


Asynchronous programming allows developers to write code that can perform non-blocking operations, which is particularly useful when dealing with I/O-bound tasks such as making network requests or reading/writing files. Python supports asynchronous programming through the use of asynchronous functions, also known as async functions.

To define an asynchronous function, you need to use the async keyword before the def keyword. An async function can contain one or more await expressions, which allow the function to pause and wait for an asynchronous operation to complete, without blocking the main thread.


Python's asyncio library provides a default event loop, which you can use to execute async functions. The event loop manages the scheduling of tasks and ensures that tasks are executed in a non-blocking manner.

Asynchronous programming can provide significant performance improvements, especially when dealing with I/O-bound tasks, since the program can make the most of available resources by executing other tasks while waiting for I/O operations to complete. However, asynchronous programming can also be challenging to reason about, especially when dealing with complex code.

Key Concepts

To use asynchronous programming effectively, you need to understand key concepts such as awaitable objects, coroutines, event loops, single-threaded execution, error handling, synchronization, nested async functions, and asynchronous libraries. You also need to be familiar with concepts related to object-oriented programming, such as inheritance and polymorphism, and how they can be combined with async functions.

Awaitable Objects

Inside an async function, you can use the await keyword to wait for the result of an "awaitable" object. Awaitable objects can be asynchronous functions, coroutines, or any object that implements the __await__() method.

Non-Blocking Execution

When an await statement is encountered, the execution of the current async function is paused, and the event loop continues to run other tasks. This non-blocking behavior allows the program to efficiently handle I/O-bound tasks, making the most of available resources.

Event Loop