Top 5 Python Libraries For Data Visualization


As of my last update in September 2021, the best Python libraries for creating contour plots of magnetic field data of the Earth include:

  1. Matplotlib: Matplotlib is a widely used 2D plotting library that provides extensive support for creating various types of plots, including contour plots. It can handle simple and complex datasets and allows you to customize the plots to suit your needs.
  2. Cartopy: Cartopy is a powerful library for geospatial data visualization. It is built on top of Matplotlib and provides additional features to handle geographic data, including support for contouring magnetic field data on maps.
  3. Basemap (deprecated, use Cartopy instead): Basemap used to be a popular library for creating maps and contour plots with Matplotlib. However, it has been deprecated in favor of Cartopy, which provides similar functionality and is actively maintained.
  4. SciPy: SciPy is a comprehensive library for scientific computing in Python. It includes tools for interpolation, numerical integration, and optimization, which can be useful when working with magnetic field data and creating contour plots.
  5. ObsPy: If you are specifically working with seismological and geophysical data, ObsPy is a library tailored for this purpose. It can handle magnetic field data as well and offers some additional functionalities for filtering and processing the data before visualization.
  6. GMT (Generic Mapping Tools): While not a Python library, GMT is a powerful command-line toolset for geospatial data processing and visualization. It has Python bindings (PyGMT) that allow you to use GMT functionality from Python. GMT provides extensive support for contouring geophysical data, including magnetic field data.

Please note that the Python ecosystem is constantly evolving, and new libraries and updates may have emerged since my last update. Always check the latest community discussions and documentation to ensure you are using the most appropriate and up-to-date tools for your specific task.

Calculating Step Size

$$ \text{Step Size}=\frac{\text{End Value}-\text{Start Value}}{\text{Num Points}-1} $$