





Sure, here are simple-term summaries of the five abstract base classes in Python:

  1. Callable (call): Objects that can be used and invoked like functions.
  2. Container (contains): Objects that can check for the presence of elements.
  3. Hashable (hash): Objects that can be used as keys in dictionaries or elements in sets.
  4. Iterable (iter): Objects that can be looped over using a loop (e.g., for loop).
  5. Sized (len): Objects that have a length and can be sized (e.g., lists, strings).


Certainly! Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) in Python provide a way to define a common interface for a group of related classes. They allow you to specify a set of methods that must be implemented by any class that wants to be considered a subclass of the abstract base class. This helps to enforce certain behavior and ensure that classes adhere to a specific contract.

Python has several built-in abstract base classes, and the five you mentioned are among them. Let's explore each one in more detail:

  1. Callable (abc.Callable):

  2. Container (abc.Container):

  3. Hashable (abc.Hashable):

  4. Iterable (abc.Iterable):