Python Code Introspection


Python metaprogramming is a powerful technique used to create flexible and dynamic software systems. It involves writing code that can manipulate other code or itself. By using this technique, you can create software that is easier to maintain and modify.


Remember, while Python metaprogramming is a powerful technique, it's important to use it thoughtfully to maintain code readability and maintainability.

Decorators and Function Wrappers

Decorators are functions that modify the behavior of other functions or methods. They allow you to add functionality to functions or methods without modifying their core logic. You can define custom decorators to add functionality such as logging, caching, and access control.

Class Creation and Modification

Python classes are objects, and you can dynamically create or modify classes during runtime. The type() function allows you to create classes dynamically. This is particularly useful for generating classes based on configuration or conditions. By using class creation and modification, you can create more flexible software systems.


Metaclasses are the class of a class. They allow you to control the behavior of class creation. By creating custom metaclasses, you can enforce coding standards, automatically add attributes/methods, or modify class behavior. This can help you maintain consistency in your codebase and make it easier to change and adapt as the project evolves.

__getattr__ and __setattr__ Methods

These methods are used to intercept attribute access and modification operations on objects. You can use them to implement lazy loading, access control, and validation of attributes. By using these methods, you can create more dynamic and flexible software systems.

Context Managers