Combining Custom Types

Python: NamedTuple

Python: Enum



Certainly! Here are some more ideas for custom data types that could be useful in your script:

  1. ObservationData:

    from typing import Dict, Union
    class ObservationData(NamedTuple):
        timestamp: str
        measurements: Dict[str, Union[int, float]]

    A data type to store observations with timestamps and associated measurements.

  2. ProgrammingTask:

    from typing import List
    class ProgrammingTask(NamedTuple):
        title: str
        description: str
        languages: List[ProgrammingLanguage]

    To represent programming tasks with titles, descriptions, and applicable languages.

  3. SimulationParameters:

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    class SimulationParameters:
        simulation_time: float
        num_iterations: int
        initial_conditions: dict[str, float]

    A data class to store parameters for simulations with time, iterations, and initial conditions.

  4. ResearchPaper:

    from datetime import date
    class ResearchPaper(NamedTuple):
        title: str
        authors: List[str]
        publication_date: date
        keywords: List[str]

    To encapsulate information about research papers with titles, authors, publication dates, and keywords.

  5. WeatherReport:

    class WeatherReport(NamedTuple):
        location: Coordinate
        temperature: float
        humidity: float
        conditions: str

    A data type for weather reports that includes location, temperature, humidity, and conditions.

  6. AlgorithmResult:

    from typing import Any
    class AlgorithmResult(NamedTuple):
        algorithm_name: str
        result_data: Any

    To store results from different algorithms along with their associated names.