Combining Getters & Setters

The Role of Setters in Object Control

Setters in object-oriented programming are crucial when you need to control and manage the assignment of values to attributes within a class. They enable you to enforce validation rules, maintain data integrity, and encapsulate logic related to attribute changes. Setters are particularly valuable for scenarios where you want to ensure that assigned values adhere to specific constraints, perform data conversions or transformations, handle lazy initialization, track changes for logging and auditing, and update derived attributes cohesively. By utilizing setters, you centralize validation and processing logic, enhancing code maintainability while fostering encapsulation and controlled access to object state. Ultimately, setters empower you to create more robust and reliable classes by providing a controlled interface for modifying object attributes.


Let's dive into the details of "setters" in Python using the @property decorator. Setters are methods that allow you to control how the values of attributes are assigned within a class. When you use the @property decorator, you can create a setter method to add custom logic and validation when setting the value of an attribute.

Setter Methods:

  1. Setters are methods used to set the value of an attribute within a class.
  2. They provide a way to validate and control the input before assigning it to an attribute.
  3. In Python, you can create a setter method using the @<attribute_name>.setter decorator before the method definition.
  4. The setter method must have the same name as the attribute it is setting, followed by .setter.
  5. You can use setters to ensure that attribute values meet certain conditions before assignment.

Best Time to Use Setters

Setters are typically used when you want to control the assignment of values to attributes of an object and perform some kind of validation or processing before allowing the assignment to happen. Here are some scenarios where using setters can be beneficial: